
    Humidity for House Plants Guide

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    Understanding your individual plant's needs

    Luckily, we have an A-Z of plant care for all of our plants so you can check which of your leafy friends may need more humidity in their life. Winter can be a difficult time to increase the level of water vapour in the air, but we have put together a few tips and tricks to get it right in your home.

    1 Misting

    Misting your house plants that require more humidity is an effective way of giving them what they need. Using a misting spray bottle can help add and lock in moisture on their surface. This will help to prevent their leaves from crisping up and drying out.

    2 Pebble Trays

    Using a pebble tray for your plants is another effective way of increasing the humidity in their environment. Pouring some water into a pebble tray will cause the water to gradually evaporate around the plant, creating a humidity bubble for the plant to thrive in.

    3 The Perfect Place

    Choosing the best spot in your home is important - some spots have more light and humidity naturally than others. Humidity-loving plants can be placed in bathrooms where steamy showers can help them get the moisture they need. Plants like Calatheas and Ferns will appreciate bathrooms as their home. Alternatively, kitchens can also provide a perfectly humid environment for your plants too.

    4 Placing Plants Together

    Another way to increase humidity levels around your plants is by placing your plants together. Naturally, plants will release moisture and placing plants with similar needs together will help to give them even more moisture. For example, you could place all of your Calathea plants into one corner of a room as they will have the same humidity needs.

    5 Growing in hydro

    If you are really struggling to raise humidity, growing a plant hydroponically is possibly a good option. Not all plants do well in hydro, however most philodendrons and many other common house plants like devils ivy and peace lillies can be too. Its important to make sure you change the water regulalry and to feed with a water soluble fertiliser. The evaporating water that the plant is growing in will humidify the air around it well, however, making your life super easy!

    6 Top Tip!

    It’s important to note that not every humidity-loving plant will enjoy the exact same levels as other types of plants. Knowing which levels of humidity your plants enjoy will help them grow and thrive to their best ability!

    Remember that if your environment is extremely dry, consider a plant that is better suited instead of trying to raise the humidity. If the area gets sun, then a cacti or succulent would be much happier growing there!

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